February 4, 2010 at 11:46 am
Mushrooms Increase Income of Rural People in Cambodia
KOICA News Release: translate from local newspaper DAP News: Year 04 Volume 402, Tuesday, February 2, 2010Kampong Cham: Mrs. Nam Narb, chief of women’s group in Chong village, Sambo commune told DAP reporter that “This time, I gain more than 200,000 Riels (US$ 50) for the growing mushrooms for nearly 2 months”. She continued, “I have a plan to grow more mushrooms in order to get more income. This time, the mushrooms cost 8,000 Riels (US$ 2) per kilogram. I hope that if the mushrooms grow well, village people in my village will get more income”.
Mr. Khurn Khem, Chong villager told DAP that he grew only five ridges of mushrooms, then he got 40 kilogram and got 400,000 Riels (US$ 100). He could gain more than 300,000 Riels (US$ 75).
Mr. Khem also informed that he got the knowledge of how to grow this mushrooms from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) with the cooperation with Praekleap National School of Agriculture (PNSA) that provided training to Chong village people.
Mrs. Eun Srun, vice chief of Chong village, Sambo commune of Bateay district informed that in her village, there were seven families who got training from Praekleap National School of Agriculture (PNSA). Now, there were many families grew mushrooms.
Mr. Son Sung-il, Deputy Representative of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to Cambodia said that KOICA and Praekleap National School of Agriculture (PNSA) cooperated to provide training on agriculture to Chong village people because the people in that village did not have any thing to do to get more income beside doing on their rice field. Therefore, KOICA decided to provide that project to that village.
He continued to say that KOICA provided four kinds of training courses to that village such as growing vegetable, chicken raising, pig raising and small scale fish farming. In 2009, KOICA cooperated with JICA spent around US$ 300,000 in this village for irrigation system and rural development such as generating incomes in vegetable growing, mushroom processing, chicken and pig husbandry and small-scale fish farming.